Weekend Roundup 9

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What does a dietitian eat?  Healthy foods all the time?  NO!  Organic foods daily?  NO!  Super small portions?  Nope!  Dietitians are just like you!  We have food days that are super healthy (fruits and veggies at every meal, lean proteins, alcohol free and no sweets!) and we have days that are not as healthy (think chocolate, beer and nachos).  Check out my weekly weekend roundup posts so you can see what my weekend eats are all about!


Breakfast: Friday was my typical Siggi’s yogurt with Simply Elizabeth’s granola, chopped chocolate chips and sliced strawberries.  I had a bunch of clients to see early on Friday, so I was eating my breakfast in a bit of a rush and forgot to take a pic!

Lunch:  Thursday night was super busy for me and I forgot to pack a lunch, so I ended up walking and getting a Market Plate for lunch.  My plate consisted of baked salmon on a bed of kale and sides of roasted broccoli and sweet potatoes.  It was DELICIOUS!image1 (30)

Dinner:  For dinner, Bernie and I went to a Hot Pot place in Jersey City.  It was my first time experiencing Hot Pot and it was cool and interesting and definitely yummy.  We got shrimp, scallops, dumplings and a side of shrimp fried rice.  I had a pretty difficult time with the chopsticks, but I finally figured it out!  I definitely like forks and knives better. LOL.  I was also pretty surprised when the shrimp arrived and they had eyes!  At first, I was slightly grossed out, but they ended up being so fresh and delicious after we cooked them.  YUM.  After dinner, we went to Target so I could get a FitBit upgrade!  I am amped about this FitBit.  I got the first one that ever came out years ago and I have finally upgraded!  Woo!  On Saturday, I did 36,000 steps!image3 (9)


Breakfast/Brunch: My best friend Kelli visited this weekend, so we had a fun Saturday planned.  After running 8 miles for my half marathon training, we went to Latham House for breakfast.  I got the heuvos rancheros and split one of their homemade biscuits with Bernie.  I have heard awesome things about this place and they were all true.  The food was DELICIOUS!image4 (6)image5 (5)

Lunch:  Since we had brunch/breakfast kind of late, we opted to not get lunch.  Instead, we went into the city, walked along the High Line, and then went to New Territories and split the Unicorn Parade milk shake.  OMG, it was AMAZING!  I highly recommend it.  I cannot wait to go back and try their other items!image1 (28)Dinner:  For dinner, Kelli and I went to Amelia’s.  I had a roll with some hummus (that you get to mix yourself at the table!) and got their Turkey Rueben with the dressing on the side and no swiss cheese.  I ended up taking the bread off and eating the turkey and sauerkraut and dipping my fork in the dressing so I could get a taste of the dressing without all the calories.  I also had about half of the fries on my plate.image2 (16) image3 (10)


Breakfast:  Sunday we had a quick brunch before Bernie and I headed to Long Island for a family party.  I chowed down on a yummy slice of toast topped with avocado, feta cheese and egg.image4 (8)

Lunch and Dinner:  Since we were at the party for a while, I ate enough for both lunch and dinner.  I had some penne ala vodka, a few pieces of chicken breast, some salad and a slice of ham and cheese roll.

Dessert:  Aunt Di’s famous desserts were back and you know I had some!  I had some of here delicious apple puffs and I also had a few mini donuts with canoli cream inside.  So good AND the perfect serving size.image1 (29) image5 (6)

There you have it!  A weekend full of dietitian’s eats!

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