Weekend Roundup 11

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What does a dietitian eat?  Healthy foods all the time?  NO!  Organic foods daily?  NO!  Super small portions?  Nope!  Dietitians are just like you!  We have food days that are super healthy (fruits and veggies at every meal, lean proteins, alcohol free and no sweets!) and we have days that are not as healthy (think chocolate, beer and nachos).  Check out my weekly weekend roundup posts so you can see what my weekend eats are all about!


Breakfast: Friday was a quick breakfast of Vans toaster waffles and a tablespoon of sunflower seed butter. I also had the rest of my mom’s fruit salad a little later in the morning. I had clients scheduled all morning and it was super easy for me to chow down on these waffles on the way to the train and then eat my fruit later on.image1 (34)

Lunch:  Lunch was my favorite Just Salad salad, the Roasted Turkey Health Cobb. I really love their bread, but I feel like the portion size is super small. This Friday, I got TWO! I was pretty amped about it.image2 (19)

Snack:  I didn’t have a snack at my usual time, because the salad was super filling. Instead, when I got to Bernie’s job I had a few gold fish.

Dinner:  It was a long week and we had a busy Saturday coming up, so we did Friday Funday in Jersey City. We went to a sushi place and I got two rolls. I always like to get a specialty roll when we get sushi and I’m a sucker for shrimp tempura. I got a shrimp tempura roll with avocado and a spicy tuna roll.image1 (36)


Breakfast:  Before my long run, I had a bowl of chex mix with almond milk. When I run my long runs, I like to have a small carbohydrate breakfast prior to the run. I also brought my clif bar shot blocks with me to give me a bit of fuel during my run.  I was in a rush after my run to eat and get out the door because Bernie and I were helping take pictures of our friends’ engagement and we had to leave right after my run (SO EXCITING!)! I had another two waffles with a tablespoon of sunflower seed butter.
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Lunch: Once we got home, we got sandwiches from Prato, a cute Italian place nearby. I got a mozzarella and tomato sandwich. It’s my favorite sandwich from there. image1 (35)

Dinner:  We went out after lunch to celebrate the engagement at Zepplin Hall, a beer garden in Jersey City. I had one beer and then our friends ordered some food and I had a few fries and a chicken finger from that.


Breakfast:  Sunday I met my Godmother in the city for brunch and a walk in Central Park. I got the heuvos rancheros at The Smith at Lincoln Center. It was delicious! I also had a bellini with my food.image3 (13)

Lunch and Dinner:  We visited our best friends Jon and Julie and their baby Ben on Sunday and hung out for a bit. My lunch/dinner was a delicious steak quesadilla. It was so good!  You know I love my quesadillas!!image4 (11) There you have it!  A weekend full of dietitian’s eats!


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