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What does a dietitian eat?  Healthy foods all the time?  NO!  Organic foods daily?  NO!  Super small portions?  Nope!  Dietitians are just like you!  We have food days that are super healthy (fruits and veggies at every meal, lean proteins, alcohol free and no sweets!) and we have days that are not as healthy (think chocolate, beer and nachos).  Check out my weekly weekend roundup posts so you can see what my weekend eats are all about!


Breakfast: I didn’t go to the gym this Friday because it had been a loooongggg week.  Monday night we went to WWE in Brooklyn (actually way more fun than I thought it would be LOL) and Wednesday we went to the Opera in NYC (La Traviota).  Both nights we got home super late and I definitely did not sleep enough, so I was trying to get a full 8 hours on Friday.  For breakfast I had dark chocolate peanut butter overnight oats.  I made a huge batch of these and was eating them for breakfast every day.  Super simple to make and so delish!overnight oats

Lunch:  For lunch, I made my Crunch Chickpea Veggie Bowl and added half an avocado.  MMMMMmmmm.avocado

Snack 1:  I was feeling super full from lunch (must have been all that avoooo), so I didn’t have a snack at work, but I ate about 3 cups of White Cheddar Skinny Pop on the way to Long Island.

Dinner:  Since I was on Long Island, it was pizza Friday again!  I had 2 slices of Sicilian pizza and got some laundry done.

Dessert:  My best friend Jenn came by and we all went to Charlottes in my hometown for some froyo!  I forgot to take a pic, but I got cake batter fro yo and topped it with fresh strawberries and brownie bits (my all time fave flavor and toppings).


On Saturday, I woke up with a stomach virus at 4 AM.  Unfortunately, I don’t have any meals to show you because my day consisted of eating some crackers, pretzels and chicken noodle soup.  To make up for this missing day and lack of food on Sunday, I extended the weekend to include Monday’s eats as well!


Breakfast:  My stomach was still feeling off, so for breakfast I nibbled on about a quarter of a toasted everything bagel and sipped on some iced coffee.  Sunday was girls’ day with my Dad’s side of the family and we went to go see Madagascar at a small theater on Long Island.  It was super cute!image3 (8)

Lunch:  We went out to lunch and I was feeling a little better at lunch and ordered their panini with chicken, fig jam and brie cheese.  I ate a little more than half of the panini and had a few fries.


Dinner:  For dinner, my mom heated up some left over ziti and I had a little of that.  My stomach still wasn’t feeling 100%, so everything I ate, I ate very slowly.  I also was feeling more comfort food and carbs, so I stayed away from salads because I wasn’t sure how they would sit in my stomach.ziti Monday

Breakfast: For breakfast I had Siggi’s vanilla yogurt topped with 10 dark chocolate chips chopped up and ¼ cup Purely Elizabeth’s granola + a cold brew coffee from Starbucks (cold brew is my new favorite type of coffee) breakfast

Lunch:  Lunch was the Roasted Turkey Health Cobb Salad from Just Salad with cucumbers and pita chips added in.  I love this salad because I get a good amount of veggies, carbs, proteins and fats and it’s very filling 🙂salad

Snack: 100 calorie Dark Chocolate Mint Zing Bar.  I was feeling full from lunch, so I had a small snack because I went to a cycle class before dinner and I wanted to make sure I fueled up so I could do well in class.image2 (14)

Dinner: Acai Bowl from Shaka Bowl.  I got an acai base with strawberries, granola and peanut butter on top.  I love how these are like smoothies in a bowl.  They are so yummy!bowl There you have it!  A weekend full of dietitian’s eats!

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